What are signs of depression?
The cause of depression is not always known, and my factors can contribute to the development of it - such as, family history of depression, medical conditions, brain chemistry imbalance, traumatic life events, chronic illness.
Certain difficult situations such as losing a loved one, job loss, or divorce can also lead to bouts of depression. When symptoms persist for longer this could be a sign of chronic depression.
Depression can be hard to identify for someone who may not have experienced it before, especially if it develops gradually. People also cope with depression in many different ways, such as withdrawing from people, using substances or turning to food or other things to help with day to day functioning. There can also be a fear of stigma or judgement that comes with feelings of depression.
Some signs of depression are:
despair and hopelessness
loss of interest in usual hobbies
changes in appetite
intense feelings of guilt
worthlessness or shame
feelings of self harm or suicide
problems with concentration and decision making
If you or someone you know is experiencing feelings of depression, it may be time to reach out and seek support.